KSAAR SOLUTIONS is the publisher of a software solution allowing its Users to create, thanks to a modular architecture, in a fast and simplified way, software with various functionalities.the Customer has taken knowledge of the functionalities of the Solution, such as described on the web site www.ksaar.com and has been able to ask the Licensor for any additional information. The Customer declares that it has assessed the suitability of the functionalities of the Solution for its needs.in this context, the Licensor and the Customer have approached each other with a view to agreeing on the legal and financial conditions of use of the Solution (the "Agreement").
Les termes ci-dessous définis auront pour les Parties la signification suivante qu’ils apparaissent dans le texte des documents contractuels avec une majuscule initiale ou non :« Anomalie » - un dysfonctionnement reproductible ou une indisponibilité du Service, non imputable à un cas d’exclusion de Maintenance.« Anomalie Bloquante » - une Anomalie qui bloque totalement la Solution rendant inutilisable l’intégralité de la Solution.« Anomalie Majeure » - une Anomalie qui bloque une fonctionnalité de la Solution ne rendant pas inutilisable l’ensemble de la Solution.« Anomalie Mineure » - une Anomalie conduisant à un inconfort dans l’utilisation de la Solution mais qui n’affecte pas le bon fonctionnement des services de la Solution.« Back-office » - L'interface par laquelle le Client peut administrer et paramétrer son Logiciel.« Client » - Toute personne physique ou morale agissant à titre professionnel et qui souscrit au Service.« Concédant » – KSAAR SOLUTIONS, Société par actions simplifiée inscrite au RCS de Toulouse sous le numéro 847 801 818, dont le siège social est situé 34 rue Valade 31000 Toulouse.« Conditions Commerciales » : Conditions spécifiques applicables au Client dans le cadre du présent Contrat.« Conditions d’Utilisation » - Conditions d’utilisations soumises à l’acceptation des Utilisateurs disponible à l’adresse ksaar.com/conditions-generales/.« Contrat » - le Contrat est constitué des présentes Conditions générales, et le cas échéant, des Conditions Commerciales.« Documentation - Le manuel d'utilisation de la Solution disponible à l’adresse ksaar.gitbook.io/ksaar- documentation/, comportant notamment le descriptif de ses fonctionnalités, les Exigences de Configuration et les modalités d’utilisation.« Données » - Les données et fichiers du Client, hébergés dans le cadre du Service. Les Données chargées par le Client sont strictement liées à son activité professionnelle et doivent respecter les termes du Contrat. Elles comprennent les données des Utilisateurs Finaux.« Données Personnelles » - Toute information relative à une personne physique identifiée ou qui peut être identifiée, directement ou indirectement, par référence à un numéro d’identification ou à un ou plusieurs éléments qui lui sont propres.« Exigences de Configuration » - Le matériel et la configuration nécessaires à l’utilisation de la Solution. Les Exigences de Configuration sont détaillées au sein des présentes, et le cas échéant au sein des ConditionsCommerciales.« Informations Confidentielles » - Toutes informations et/ou toutes données, sous quelque forme et de quelque nature qu'elles soient, divulguées par une Partie à l’autre Partie au titre du Contrat. Il est expressément convenu que le Solution et la Documentation constituent des Informations Confidentielles.« Infrastructure » - L’infrastructure technique utilisée par le Concédant via son sous-traitant hébergeur pour assurer le Service.« Logiciel » - Le ou les logiciels créés par l’Utilisateur en utilisant la Solution.« Logiciels tiers » – Les programmes informatiques, identifiés sur le Site, embarqués dans la Solution et régis par leur propre licence d’utilisation, notamment les logiciels de signature électronique ou de services de paiement. Le Concédant fournit la liste des Logiciels tiers au Client sur demande de ce dernier.« Maintenance » - La correction des éventuelles Anomalies logicielles du Service.« Requête » - Toute action nécessitant une réponse de la part des serveurs du Concédant. La requête peut résulter d’une action humaine ou d’une action faite par un robot, dans le cadre d'une communication dite par "API".« Service » - Le service fourni par le Concédant incluant la mise à disposition de la Solution, l’hébergement du Logiciel, la formation et le support des Utilisateurs (prise en compte des Anomalies) dans les conditions définies aux présentes.« Site » - Le site édité par le Concédant accessible à l’url www.ksaar.com et présentant la Solution et sur lequel est notamment présenté le Service.« Solution » - Le logiciel édité par le Concédant, permettant la création, l’administration et l’exploitation d’un Logiciel dans le cadre du Service. La Solution inclut la Documentation. A toutes fins utiles, cette définition n’intègre pas les Logiciels tiers, qui sont régis par des licences séparées.« Utilisateur(s) » – Toute personne physique autorisée par le Client à utiliser le Service, pour laquelle le Client a requis auprès du Concédant un identifiant et un mot de passe permettant l’accès au Back Office. Les Utilisateurs peuvent être les salariés, les consultants, les indépendants et les mandataires du Client, ainsi que les partenaires avec lesquels le Client entretient des relations commerciales dans le cadre de la poursuite de son activité.« Utilisateur Final » – Les personnes physiques ou morales faisant usage du Logiciel opéré par le Client et utilisant ainsi le front office. Il est de la responsabilité du Client et/ou de l’Utilisateur d’encadrer les conditions d’utilisation du Logiciel avec l’Utilisateur Final.Tiers – Toute personne physique ou morale non partie au Contrat.
The purpose of the Agreement is to define the terms and conditions under which the Licensor provides the Service to the Customer and grants the Customer a licence to use the Solution.
4.1. The Customer is informed that the use of the Service by Users is exclusively reserved for professionals within the meaning of consumer law and declares that he/she has this status.
This declaration is decisive of the Licensor's willingness to enter into a contract, as the Service has been defined in accordance with the exclusions and limitations of liability set out in this Agreement.The subscription to and use of the Service is subject to the acceptance of the Terms of Use by all Users.Their full and unreserved acceptance is deemed to have been given when Users tick the box "I accept the Terms of Use" when creating their account. Acceptance of subsequent modifications to these Terms of Use must be made under the same conditions.4.2. The Contract consists of the following contractual documents, set out in descending order of priority, namely (i) the Commercial Conditions and (ii) these General Conditions. In the event of disagreement, ambiguity or contradiction between the terms of these different contractual documents, the terms of the higher-ranking document shall prevail.
5.1. Creation of an administrator accountSubscribing to the Service entails the creation of an administrator account for the Customer.Access to the Service is conditional on the Customer providing his details: surname, first name, email address, telephone number, company name, number of employees.The Customer shall determine an administrator and Users within it.5.2. Provision of access codes to the Back-OfficeUnless special provisions are agreed in the Commercial Terms and Conditions, the administrator is responsible for creating Users' accesses, configuring their authorisations and controlling the proper use of the Service in accordance with the Contract.5.3. Access to the Back-Office - Confidentiality and security of access codesA User's access to the Back-Office is by entering access codes. Each time the User connects to the Service, he/she indicates his/her strictly personal and confidential codes. Any loss or theft of the User's codes must be reported to the Licensor without delay, and the codes changed by the administrator.The Customer undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of these access codes in order to allow Users access to the Back-Office.In any event, the Customer is solely responsible for all accesses and actions carried out by means of the codes allocated. The Licensor shall not be liable for any intentional or unintentional disclosure of the access codes, identifiers and passwords provided or in the event of fraudulent introduction or use of the Service by an unauthorised third party.Any connection to the Service using the Customer's access codes shall be deemed to have been made by the Customer.
The Technical Configuration Requirements for the use of the Solution are as follows:- Computer equipment including a recent terminal;- Use of one of the following web browsers from a country in the European Union in a version maintained by the developers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge;- Access to the broadband Internet network.Where applicable, the Commercial Conditions indicate the specific technical and network requirements with which the Customer must comply.The Customer acknowledges that the provision of these Configuration Requirements is not included in the Service and that it is therefore the Customer's responsibility to:- have web access and ensure the compatibility of its IT environment with the Service, under its own responsibility;- subscribe to any access with the operator of its choice and acquire any equipment that meets the Configuration Requirements.The Licensor accepts no responsibility, and shall have no obligation to reimburse, in the event of non-functioning or malfunctioning of the Service due to lack of Internet connectivity or failure to comply with the Configuration Requirements.
7.1. Scope of the ServiceThe Service includes remote access to the Solution, hosting of the Data, as well as the Maintenance services described below.The Customer acknowledges that the Licensor is not a party to and does not intervene in any way in the transactions between the Customer and its End Users, nor in the transactions between the End Users themselves.Consequently, the Customer is solely responsible for (i) providing the End Users with the Terms of Use of its Software, which shall be substantially in accordance with the present Terms of Use with respect to the provision of the Service to the End Users (ii) keeping track of the transactions carried out, in particular in order to meet its legal, tax and accounting obligations.7.2. Hosting and backupsAs the Solution is in "software-as-a-service" mode, the Licensor is responsible for hosting the Solution and the Customer's Data on the Licensor's servers or on those of its hosting subcontractor, thus enabling remote processing and backup of the Data.For the purpose of performing the Contract, the Customer expressly grants the Licensor and its hosting subcontractor a personal, non-assignable and non-transferable right to reproduce the Data on the Infrastructure for the sole purpose of performing the Service, to the exclusion of any other use or transfer, for the duration of the Contract and for the European Economic Area only.The Service includes a real-time backup of the Data. In the event of a technical incident of the Service not generated by the Customer, the Licensor shall use its best efforts to restore the Solution, based on the last backup made. The backups are kept for a maximum of 90 calendar days. If the Customer wishes to keep these backups for a longer period, he acknowledges that this will entail additional costs which will be quoted and mentioned in the Commercial Conditions.The Customer is informed that he can export all his data at any time. The Licensor recommends that the Customer export its data periodically and in any case before the end of access to the Services.7.3. Training and supportThe Service includes:- the provision of a tool for reporting Anomalies;- technical assistance available on the Site ("Documentation" tab), by email and telephone, on working days in France, from Monday to Friday from
For certain subscription formulas, two support/training sessions of 45 minutes each per month, by videoconference;Any additional service is provided on the basis of a quotation and is mentioned in the Commercial Conditions.7.4. AvailabilityThe Licensor endeavours to make the Service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, with an average availability rate of 99.9%, subject to preventive maintenance periods and upgrades to the Service, and to any suspensions of the Service that may result from a failure on the part of the Client.The Client is warned of the technical hazards inherent in the Internet and of any slowdowns or interruptions in access that may result. Furthermore, the Customer is solely responsible for the effectiveness of his or her Internet connection and the Licensor cannot guarantee the permanent and optimal availability of the Service, which the Customer acknowledges. The Service is provided under a general obligation of means.7.5. SecurityThe Licensor implements security measures in accordance with current standards against unauthorised access or damage to the Data as part of a best effort obligation.The Licensor ensures the software and physical locking of the Infrastructure. However, the Customer is solely responsible for securing its own computer system and web access, and in particular for implementing firewalls and antivirus software to protect its system and Data.7.6. Maintenance of the ServiceIn the event of an Anomaly related to the functionalities of the Service, reported by the Customer, the Licensor shall determine its severity and proceed to correct it as soon as possible, within the framework of an obligation of means.The Customer shall report Anomalies on a dedicated platform on the Solution and available at the address The Anomalies shall be taken into account and processed by the Licensor within the deadlines set out in the table below.The processing period shall begin to run from the time the Anomaly is taken into account by the Licensor. Any request registered at the end of working hours will be considered as taking effect at the beginning of the first working hour of the following working day.- the Customer's computer environment or workstations have been configured;- the Customer refuses to cooperate with the Licensor in resolving the Anomalies;- the Customer's computer system has been infected by a computer virus;- an act of piracy or fraudulent intrusion into the Customer's computer system;- intervention by the Customer or a third party at the Customer's request on the Service that is not authorised by the Licensor;- and more generally, any deliberate act of degradation, malice, sabotage by the Customer or a third party, or deterioration due to force majeure.
8.1. Étendue des droits concédés8.1.1. Au titre du Contrat, le Concédant concède au Client, à titre non exclusif, non transférable et dans le respect de la configuration de licence visée à l'article "Configuration de Licence" ci-après, un droit d'utilisation distant de la Solution et ce, pour la durée du Contrat, pour le monde entier et pour les besoins internes du Client (la "Licence").Par utilisation, il est entendu: le droit, pour les Utilisateurs, de procéder aux opérations de chargement, d'affichage et d'exécution de la Solution.8.1.2. Le droit d’utilisation concédé au Client ne peut avoir pour effet de transférer quelque droit de propriété intellectuelle que ce soit sur tout ou partie de la Solution, autres que ceux strictement prévus à l’article « Etendue des droits concédés ».8.1.3. Toute utilisation de la Solution non expressément autorisée au titre du Contrat est interdite. A ce titre et notamment, le Client s'interdit de :i. Utiliser la Solution de manière non conforme à la Configuration de Licence,ii. Permettre l’utilisation de la Solution par toute personne autre que les Utilisateurs,iii. Divulguer tout ou partie de la Solution à toute personne autre que les Utilisateurs,iv. Imprimer, transférer, transmettre ou afficher tout ou partie de la Solution sauf pour les besoins internes du Client,v. Modifier/adapter la Solution et/ou fusionner tout ou partie de la Solution dans d'autres programmes informatiques, notamment en vue de la rendre conforme à sa destination, dans la mesure où le Concédant se réserve expressément le droit de procéder aux corrections, adaptations et modifications nécessaires,vi. Compiler la Solution, la décompiler, la désassembler, la traduire, l’analyser, procéder au reverse-engineering ou tenter d’y procéder,vii. Écrire, faire écrire, créer, faire développer, tout programme informatique dérivé de la Solution,viii. Altérer, enlever, dissimuler ou modifier toute information indiquant le titulaire des droits de propriété intellectuelle afférents à la Solution,ix. Développer un ou des Logiciels ayant un objet illicite, contraire à l’ordre public, à la sécurité ou aux bonnes mœurs.A défaut, le Concédant disposera de tous moyens pour assurer la sauvegarde de ses intérêts et, notamment, résilier le Contrat conformément à l'article "Résiliation pour faute" ci-après.8.1.4. Lorsque le Client utilise la Solution à des fins commerciales, notamment pour mettre le Logiciel à disposition de Tiers ou d’Utilisateurs Finaux à titre payant, le Client s’engage à reverser au Concédant un pourcentage du prix facturé mensuellement aux Tiers ou Utilisateurs Finaux pour l’utilisation à titre payant du Logiciel dans lesType d’AnomalieDélai de prise en charge à compter du signalementDélai de traitementAnomalie BloquanteAnomalie MajeureAnomalie MineureMaximum 1 heure ouvrée4 heures ouvrées 1 jour ouvré4 heures ouvrées 24 heures ouvrées 20 jours ouvrés7.7. Exclusion de MaintenanceLe Concédant ne peut être tenu responsable ni prendre en charge, au titre de la Maintenance du Service, toute Anomalie, ralentissement ou dysfonctionnement qui serait lié à :• une utilisation du Service non conforme à sa destination, à sa Documentation ou aux préconisations du Concédant ;• une panne matérielle ou logicielle du Client, de son système informatique ou son réseau ;• une défaillance des réseaux de communications électroniques, ralentissement ou engorgement du réseau internet ou du réseau du Client ; conditions définies à l’article « Conditions Financières ».8.1.4. Le Client déclare avoir pris connaissance des Logiciels tiers et de leurs conditions de licence. Il en accepte expressément les termes et conditions ainsi que les limites.8.2. Configuration de Licence8.2.1. La Licence est concédée au Client (i) en fonction du nombre d'Utilisateurs Finaux et (ii) pour un usage raisonnable.• D’autres critères peuvent faire évoluer l’offre de la licence du Client au cours de sa période d’engagement. La liste des caractéristiques des différentes offres est disponible de manière permanente sur l’URL https://www.ksaar.com/pricing. Les offres « Free », « Starter » et « Business » affichent des prix fixes, pouvant être complétés par des sessions de support/formation.• Si le Client choisit ou utilise une ou plusieurs option(s) de l’offre « Enterprise », alors ce dernier devra contractualiser avec le Concédant selon les conditions commerciales dérogatoires aux- conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation. Le Concédant proposera alors au Client un offre sur-mesure en fonction des options demandées par le Client.8.2.2. Le Client reconnaît que toute utilisation du Logiciel supérieure à la Configuration de Licence entraînera la facturation d’un complément de prix et/ou du prix applicable fonction du nombre d’Utilisateurs Finaux conformément à la grille tarifaire applicable. Le complément de prix sera prélevé le mois suivant.8.2.3. Sans préjudice de ce qui précède, le Client s'engage à notifier par écrit et sans délai au Concédant toutes modifications de la Configuration de Licence au cours du Contrat, afin que les Parties procèdent à une extension de Licence au moyen de Conditions Commerciales complémentaires valant avenant au Contrat.8.3. Audit8.3.1. Le Concédant (ou tout Tiers qu’il aura mandaté) aura la faculté de se rendre aux heures ouvrées et moyennant un délai de prévenance de cinq (5) jours, sur le site du Client, afin de vérifier le respect du Contrat et, notamment sans que cette liste soit limitative, le nombre d’Utilisateurs Finaux et les revenus tirés de l’utilisation à titre commercial du Logiciel. A cet égard, le Client s'engage à permettre au Concédant et/ou tout Tiers mandaté par ses soins d'accéder au site, aux équipements informatiques et aux terminaux mobiles des Utilisateurs ainsi qu’à tous documents comptables et commerciaux.8.3.2. Si l'audit révèle un manquement, l'excédent de Licence ou le règlement du prix devra être régularisé dans un délai de quinze (15) jours par le paiement des redevances complémentaires y afférentes majorées de 10%, ainsi que de l'ensemble des coûts liés à l'audit.8.3.3. A défaut, le Concédant disposera de tous moyens pour assurer la sauvegarde de ses intérêts et, notamment, résilier le Contrat conformément à l'article "Résiliation pour faute" ci-après.
9.1. Warranty against eviction9.1.1. The Licensor declares that it is the assignee of all intellectual property rights necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Agreement and that the use of the Solution, in accordance with the Documentation and the present Agreement, does not infringe any third party intellectual property right. With the exception of third-party Software which is supplied "as is" without any warranty of any kind whatsoever by the Licensor, the Licensor guarantees the Customer, under the conditions set out in the "Liability" article below, against (i) any condemnation, under a final and unappealable court decision, based on the infringing nature of the Solution, and (ii) any damages and interest payable by the Customer, by a transaction concluded within the framework of a dispute with a Third Party, on the same basis.9.1.3. This warranty is expressly subject to the limitation set forth in the article "Liability" below and subject to the conditions that:i. the Customer has notified the Licensor, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, without delay in the case of emergency procedures and in all other cases within eight (8) days following receipt of the Third Party's notice of default, andii. the Licensor has exclusive control over the means of defence and any amicable settlement, andiii. the Customer loyally cooperates in the defence of the infringement action, providing the Licensor with all the elements, information and assistance useful and necessary for the successful completion of such defence, andiv. the action, claim and/or complaint is/are consecutive to facts exclusively attributable to the Solution.9.1.4 In the event of a final and unappealable condemnation of the Licensor based on the infringing nature of the Solution, the Licensor shall use its best efforts to (i) provide the Client with a non-infringing element, or (ii) obtain the right for the Client to continue using the Solution. Failure to do so may result in the Licensor terminating the Agreement.9.2 Warranty of the Solution9.2.1. The Licensor warrants that the Solution (excluding third-party Software) shall function in accordance with the Documentation. The Licensor's sole responsibility under the warranty shall be to correct the Solution within the time limits and under the conditions described in the article "Maintenance of the Service".9.2.2. The Licensor shall be released from any obligation under the warranty provided for in the above article if the malfunctions are not attributable to the Solution.9.2.3. The Licensor does not grant any other express, tacit or legal warranty regarding the operation of the Solution. In particular, the Licensor makes no commitment or gives any warranty with respect to :- the suitability of the Solution for the Client's needs;- the referencing of the Software on search engines if the Software is made available on the Internet;- the obtaining of a minimum number of visits or the commercial profitability of the Software;- the permanent availability of the Solution, which may be subject to short unavailability, in particular as a result of Maintenance operations;- the total absence of malfunctions and temporary and non-critical Anomalies of the Solution.9.3. Customer's guarantee9.3.1. The Customer is informed that the Service does not include any Data loading, control, monitoring or cleaning services. Consequently, the Customer loads its Data under its sole responsibility. The Customer is also solely responsible for the quality, nature, integrity and lawfulness of the Data hosted within the framework of the Service.9.3.2. The Customer is solely responsible for the Data uploaded, the processing, instructions and procedures that it activates, as well as the results obtained. He undertakes not to use the Service in a manner contrary to the regulations applicable to his professional activities or to electronic commerce, nor to assist in such use.
9.3.3. The Customer guarantees that the Data stored and processed via the Service is lawful and in accordance with the use of the Service. In particular, the Customer undertakes not to process or store via the Service any Data that is contrary to the laws, regulations or public order, and in particular any content that is racist, xenophobic, sectarian, proselytising, defamatory, offensive, obscene, pornographic or violent, as well as any Data that infringes on the protection of privacy, the image of individuals or the rights of third parties (in particular by storing files obtained in violation of the rights of their authors).9.3.4. In this respect, the Customer shall indemnify the Licensor against any claim, eviction, action or condemnation that may be brought against the Licensor as a result of the Data, including all damages, indemnities, procedural and consultancy costs.9.3.5. In addition, in the event that Data is stored in breach of this Agreement or the Service is used for purposes other than the Customer's business use of the features, the Licensor reserves the right to (i) delete the Data in question in the event of an emergency or threat to the Infrastructure. In the event of Data that is likely to undermine the integrity of the Service or the hosting infrastructure, the Licensor (and its host) reserves the right to (ii) interrupt access to the Service without delay or notice and (iii) terminate the Agreement. Such termination shall not give rise to any compensation whatsoever, and shall be without prejudice to any damages that the Licensor may claim from the Customer for its actions.9.3.6 There is no contact, commitment or responsibility on the part of the Licensor towards End Users. It is the Customer's responsibility to inform its End Users of the terms and conditions of provision of the Service, in strict compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
10.1. In return for the Licence, the Customer undertakes to pay the fees referred to at ksaar.co.uk/pricing/ or in the Commercial Terms and Conditions, which describe, where applicable, the specific invoicing and payment methods - If the Customer has subscribed to a "Free" version, the Customer will be able to access a limited version of the Service for life.- In the event that the Customer uses one or more options not included in the Free version or manually subscribes to a superior offer, the Customer may use the Service for a period of one (1) month without commitment, and then will be committed for a period of twelve (12) months at the end of this month without commitment. At the end of the twelve (12)-month commitment period, the Customer will have the option of reducing his or her subscription to an offer at a lower price. The Customer will have the possibility to terminate his subscription, according to the conditions set out in Article 12 "Duration - Termination".10.2. Unless specific invoicing terms are mentioned in the Commercial Terms and Conditions, the Licence fee is invoiced monthly or annually in arrears and the amount is debited from the bank card provided by the Client when subscribing to the Service.10.3. When the Customer uses the Solution for commercial purposes, the Customer undertakes to pay to the Licensor, each month, a percentage of the sales price excluding tax invoiced monthly to Third Parties or Users as follows:- Sales price excluding tax between €1 and €100: 30% of the sales price excluding tax is paid back to the Licensor;- Sales price excluding tax between €101 and €499: 20% of the sales price excluding tax is paid back to the Licensor.Whatever the sales price and the number of sales, when the Customer uses the Solution for commercial purposes, he undertakes to pay the Licensor the minimum sum of €250 excluding VAT per month. This sum will be an advance on the commission that the Client may be required to pay to the Licensor. Thus, if the commission owed by the Client to the Licensor is equal to €250 (excluding VAT) per month, the Client will not have to pay any fees to the Licensor.The fees are invoiced monthly by the Licensor on the basis of the activity data recorded on the Licensor's tools.The Partner undertakes to pay:- The minimum amount of €250 (excluding VAT): by automatic debit to the credit card each month.- The amount to be retroceded: annually, by bank transfer, minus the €250 excl. tax over 12 months (i.e. €3000 excl. tax).10.4 In the event of late payment by the Client, the Licensor shall be entitled to charge late payment interest equal to three times the legal interest rate, starting on the day following the payment date shown on the invoice(s). The sums owed by the Client shall bear interest until full payment, even in the event of termination of the Contract. Any delay in payment on the due date shall also automatically result in the invoicing of an indemnity for collection costs, which may not be less than 40 euros excluding VAT. The Licensor may demand additional compensation in the event that the actual collection costs are higher, upon presentation of the corresponding receipts. The late payment penalties and collection indemnities are payable without the need for a reminder. In addition, should non-payment persist beyond a period of thirty (30) days following an unsuccessful formal notice to pay, the Licensor may terminate the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the article "Termination for default" below.
11.1. Limits of liabilityThe Client is informed that it is his responsibility to do everything possible to limit the effects of damage that may occur during the execution of the Contract. In this respect, the Client is responsible for regularly backing up its files and data on a separate medium, as well as for maintaining the integrity of said files and data. The Customer acknowledges that any failure on its part to comply with this obligation shall constitute an aggravation of the damage, for which the Licensor shall not be held liable.Under no circumstances shall the Licensor be liable for any indirect damage such as commercial or financial loss, loss of clientele, loss of brand image, loss of profit, any commercial disturbance whatsoever, or the partial or total loss or destruction of the Customer's data.The Customer undertakes to comply with the terms of use of Third Party Software and third party technical service providers, in particular for the payment of Services, the sending of SMS messages and the electronic signature. The Licensor shall not be held responsible for the failures of these service providers. 11.2. In the event that the Licensor's liability is accepted, it is agreed that the total amount of damages to which it may be condemned, all claims included, is expressly limited to the amount, exclusive of tax, of the Licence fees paid by the Customer, as defined in these General Terms and Conditions or in the Commercial Conditions on the date of signature of the Contract. In all cases, the Licensor's liability is expressly limited to an amount equivalent to the last twelve (12) licence fees paid by the Customer at the time of the damage.
12.1. DurationThe Agreement comes into force on the date of acceptance of this License at the time of online subscription, or on the date of signature, by the Parties, of the Commercial Conditions for the duration mentioned at the time of subscription or for the duration set out in the Commercial Conditions.At the end of the term of the License, it will be tacitly renewed for a duration identical to the initial duration, unless the License is terminated two (2) months before the end of the term by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.12.2. Termination for faultIn the event of a contractual breach by one of the Parties of any of its obligations under the Agreement, which is not remedied within thirty (30) days of the sending of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt specifically notifying the breach in question, the Agreement will be terminated by operation of law by the other Party, without prejudice to its other rights.12.3.Effects of terminationThe termination of the contractual relationship between the Parties for any reason whatsoever shall entail the obligation for the Client to:i. immediately cease all use of the Service and in particular of the Solution,ii. immediately uninstall the Solution from the computer equipment and mobile terminals,iii. confirm this destruction in writing to the Licensor.It is the Client's responsibility to proceed with the export of its data before the effective termination of the Service.Notwithstanding the termination of the Contract for any reason whatsoever, the licence fees shall remain with the Licensor.
Each of the Parties undertakes to respect the confidential nature of the Confidential Information and not to reveal it or make it available to Third Parties without having obtained the prior written consent of the other Party. In addition, each of the Parties undertakes to take the same precautions to maintain the confidential nature of the information exchanged with the other Party as it normally does for its own confidential information.All Confidential Information and its reproductions transmitted by one Party to another Party in the context of the Contract shall remain the property of the Party that disclosed it, subject to the rights of Third Parties, and shall be returned to the latter immediately upon request.The provisions of this article shall not apply to Confidential Information that :
14.1 Processing of Personal Data as a data controllerAs part of the performance of the Contract, the Licensor is required to process Personal Data as a data controller within the meaning of French law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the "Loi Informatique et Libertés", and European regulation no. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, known as the "RGPD".The Licensor undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations regarding the processing of Personal Data.The legal basis for the processing of Personal Data is the performance of this Contract.Personal Data is collected for specific purposes in order to enable the Licensor to ensure customer management, invoicing, as well as, in general, to ensure the performance of the Contract.Personal Data is kept for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and processed. The Licensor stores the Personal Data within the European Union.In accordance with the applicable regulations, the persons concerned by the processing of Personal Data have a right of access, limitation, rectification, portability, opposition and deletion of the Data concerning them. Data subjects may exercise these rights by writing to KSAAR SOLUTIONS (34 rue Valade, 31000, Toulouse) or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] and enclosing a copy of both sides of their identity card, or any other means enabling them to prove their identity.Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés(www.cnil.fr).14.2. Processing of Personal Data as a subcontractorWhere the Licensor processes Personal Data on behalf of the Customer as part of the provision of the Service, (i) the Customer undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations on Personal Data and (ii) the Licensor acts as a subcontractor for the processing of Personal Data and undertakes to:
The computerised registers and computer files, kept in the Licensor's computer systems under reasonable conditions of security and reliability, shall be considered as proof of the relations and communications between the Licensor and the Customer (including the Users) within the framework of the Contract. It is therefore agreed that the Licensor may rely, in particular for the purposes of proof of any act, fact or omission, on any element of a computerised or electronic nature or format, established, received or stored directly or indirectly by the Licensor, in particular in its computer systems. These elements thus constitute evidence and, if they are produced as means of proof by the Licensor in any proceedings, will be admissible, valid and opposable between the Parties in the same way, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document that would be drawn up, received or kept in writing.
16.1 AssignmentThe Agreement is entered into in consideration of the Customer's person and may not be transferred in whole or in part, whether free of charge or for consideration, by the Customer to a Third Party without the express prior consent of the Licensor.Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Customer is hereby informed that all the rights and obligations of the Licensor under the Agreement may be transferred to a Third Party, in particular in the event of a restructuring of the Licensor, whether in the context of an acquisition, merger or partial transfer of assets.16.2 Entirety of the ContractThe Contract expresses the entirety of the Parties' obligations in relation to its subject matter. It cancels and replaces all previous documents and agreements between the Parties and may only be amended by means of an amendment signed by the Parties.16.3. Partial invalidityIf one or more of the provisions of the Contract are held to be invalid or considered as such pursuant to a law, regulation or decision of a competent court, they shall be deemed not to have been written and the other provisions shall remain in force.16.4. Non-waiverThe fact that either Party does not rely on a breach by the other Party of any of its obligations under the Contract shall not be construed as a waiver of the obligation in question.16.5. SecuritiesIn the event of difficulty in interpreting any of the
The Licensor is entitled to quote the corporate and/or commercial name and/or distinctive signs of the Customer as a customer reference. Client referenceThe Licensor is authorised to quote the Client's company name and/or commercial name and/or distinctive signs as a client reference. Any other communication concerning the Client shall be subject to the Client's express prior consent.16.7. Non-solicitationDuring the term of this Agreement and an additional period of twelve (12) months following the end of the Agreement, the Customer shall not hire any employee, partner or service provider of the Licensor without the Licensor's prior written consent.In the event of a breach of this obligation, the Customer undertakes to pay the Licensor a lump-sum compensation in full discharge of its obligations, equal to the last twelve (12) months' gross remuneration of the employee, partner or service provider thus dismissed.16.8. Force majeureThe Parties shall not be held liable in the event of force majeure, nor following an act of a third party within the meaning of the Civil Code.The following are considered to be cases of force majeure, in addition to those usually retained by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals: wars, social unrest (strikes or lock-outs), attacks, bad weather, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, water damage, fires, blockage of means of communication, transport or supply, etc...As soon as the case of force majeure is discovered, the Party wishing to invoke it shall notify the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The present Contract shall then be suspended for the duration of this event. If the duration of the suspension is greater than two (2) months, the present Contract may be terminated as of right by one of the Parties after notification by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, unless otherwise agreed between the two Parties, and without compensation on either side.16.9. Election of domicileFor the performance of the Contract and its consequences, the Parties elect domicile at their respective registered offices. Any change in the domicile of one of the Parties must be notified to the other Party in writing by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Applicable lawThe Contract is subject to French law.16.11. Allocation of jurisdictionIN CASE OF DISPUTE BETWEEN THE PARTIES ARISING FROM THE VALIDITY, INTERPRETATION OR PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO REACH AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES BELOW, EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IS GIVEN TO THE COURTS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE COURT OF APPEAL OF TOULOUSE, NOTWITHSTANDING PLURALITY OF DEFENDANTS OR GUARANTEE APPEALS, EVEN FOR EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OR PROTECTIVE PROCEDURES.