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Ksaar: no-code alternative to Bubble

Ksaar: no-code alternative to Bubble

May 24, 2022

Looking for an alternative to Bubble? Ksaar is a French no-code platform that has nothing to envy and that, in some aspects, surpasses its American competitor. Discover our point-by-point comparison to determine which of these app builders is best for you. 

Bubble, a complete but complex tool

Bubble is certainly the first no-code app/software creation tool you've been offered, and that's normal: created more than 10 years ago, this tool has proven itself and has allowed the creation of thousands of solutions, some of which have become big companies today (like the freelance marketplace Comet for example).

Bubble allows you to create a very wide range of applications, with a simple drag-and-drop mechanism from components prepared for you. It is therefore a tool that is simple to use on the surface, but takes some time to learn, especially with regard to workflows, which can be difficult to get to grips with.

Ksaar, as comprehensive and more practical!

Ksaar is a younger tool, which works on the same drag-and-drop principle as Bubble. It allows you to create a wide variety of business applications, from CRM to expense reports. Although it works on the same principle, Ksaar's platform allows for a (much) more pleasant user experience than Bubble's: indeed, being younger, Ksaar has adopted a more dynamic and aesthetic interface, with modern drag-and-drop components, as opposed to Bubble's crude blocks.

Another feature on which Ksaar surpasses Bubble is the management of data used by your application/software: indeed, data are difficult to exploit with Bubble (they are of course exploitable within the flows you set up inside your app, but they are difficult to visualize and to export). 

Ksaar vs. Bubble: the face-off

Aspect 1: Getting to know the tool

Bubble is the first no-code tool to impose itself on the SaaS market and to benefit from a certain legitimacy. Created 10 years ago, Bubble was created with the thinking of the time. Ksaar takes advantage of its youthful vision, starting with the best of Bubble and improving it.

Ksaar's rating: 4.5/5

Bubble's rating: 2/5

Aspect 2: Integrated features

Ksaar has features that are not natively integrated with Bubble, such as the ability to send automated SMS, to electronically sign documents, or to edit and export PDFs: all features that are essential for a professional software. Above all, the native integration of the functionalities guarantees the security of the data; there is no need to circulate the data on other tools via APIs.

Ksaar's rating: 4.5/5

Bubble's rating: 2,5/5

Aspect 3: Data management

Above all, Ksaar stands out for its data management. Not only Ksaar hosts its data in France while being compliant with the RGPD, but also and above all the data management is visual and intuitive unlike Bubble (see pictures).

Ksaar's rating: 4.5/5

Bubble's rating: 3/5

Ksaar vs. Bubble: the comparison chart

Features Bubble Ksaar
Advanced graphic customization
Intuitive handling 
Data storage in France
Integrated PDF document generation
Integrated database

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